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Have you ever wondered why rooms with thick curtains tend to stay warmer in the winter? If you’re interested in reducing your family’s carbon footprint or simply want to help your folks save a little ...

Do you think water from your faucet freezes the same as water from the ocean? While you probably know that all water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen molecules, water from the ocean also has an extra ...

Before you get ready for a delicious scramble or omelet, add a bit of science to your morning routine! Do you know why some things float and other things don't? In this experiment, you'll use eggs (an ...

Have you ever wondered why some towels pick up more liquid than others? There is a variety of factors that make some types of cloth more absorbent than others, and the brand that advertises that it pi ...

Have you ever watched an ice cube melt? The process of water contracting and expanding as it freezes and melts is a fascinating one. Perhaps you’ve noticed that the ice cubes in drinks melt faster if ...

Have you ever noticed that some people shake a lot of salt on their food while others prefer none at all? Penn State University conducted a study to try to understand why some people like more salt th ...

If you’ve ever watched a football game, you may have wondered: When two players collide at the same speed, why is it possible for one player to knock the other player back? The reason has to do with t ...

Your mission—if you choose to accept it—is to construct a parachute that will deliver an egg safely to the ground when dropped. No fancy allowed! You can only use familiar household items like plasti ...